Who likes FAQs? I don't know, but they seem like they're the easiest way to answer questions about using the site. Welp, here goes.
No! That's the beauty of this site: by not requiring registration to download or stream videos, it makes it a lot easier to quickly grab a nostalgic avi or show a buddy some sick concs. You can even rate a video without being logged in. Registration is only required to upload videos or report inconsistencies.
How can I edit an avi's information?You can edit the information of any avi that you've uploaded by either accessing the avi page directly and clicking the edit link by the uploader, or you can go to your profile page ("My Account" in the top-right) and click the edit link by the appropriate avi row in the table.
If you encounter incorrect information in an avi you didn't upload, flag the video and select "Incorrect Info" and describe your problem. An admin will review your feedback and make the appropriate changes. If your description makes no sense, no action will be taken. To flag a video, you must be logged in.
How do ratings work?They work very similar to sites like YouTube; only one vote per IP and user is allowed on any video. Ratings are weighted so that it is harder to bring trentluv's ratings down.
Why doesn't an avi have a screenshot on its page?To minimize abuse, screenshots are automatically generated by the server in the early morning. avis that do not have screenshots should have them generated daily.
This avi's screenshot looks bad.This isn't a question, chucklenuts. What you can do is flag the video and choose the screenshot option. An admin will delete the screenshot and it will be randomly regenerated daily along with the other avis that also do not have screenshots. To flag a video, you must be logged in.
I found a duplicate avi, what do I do?Under the flagging options, select the duplicate option. An admin will be notified and problem fixed. To flag a video, you must be logged in.
Is there some sort of mass download scheme?No, but I didn't make it hard for someone that has the know-how to do it. Here's a quick hint, all avis are stored in /avis.
How do I upload mass amounts of videos?There's a couple ways to do this. If you want ftp access, I'd be more than happy to give you the connection info, get in contact with me. As soon as they are all uploaded, I just run a simple script and add them to the database and generate the screenshots. You can add the metadata by using the edit avi page.
If you have avis uploaded on the internet already, it may be faster to directly copy them onto my webserver. Make sure that you have Apache or IIS directory listing on, and I can simply wget everything to the cache.
I found a bug. Hampster sucks!LOLZ. Welp, nothings perfect. Drop me a PM on the Catacombs or find me in IRC in the channels below. Suggestions are welcome as well.
We've got customizations now! FortresPimp is down, so we grabbed their dump.
Some things to think about adding:
If you are interested in uploading videos to the cache, please register an account.
Any questions? Shoot me a message on Discord: @hampster.